Chris Kayser is a recognized expert in the field of cybercrime investigation and cybersecurity in the areas of consultation, education, and research.
He holds a Master’s in Criminal Justice with a Subconcentration in Cyber-investigation and Cybersecurity (Boston University), a Certificate in Cybercrime Investigation and Cybersecurity (Boston University) and trained in digital forensics (Encase and Access Data).
He is also a member of the Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence & Cybercrime (IJCIC), the Journal of Technical Analysis (JTA), and has been a guest editorial reviewer for the Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice (JCCJ).
His published peer-reviewed and on-going research work, involvement with ASC (American Society of Criminology), ACJS (American Criminal Justice Society), CATA Alliance, CATA Alliance eCrime Cyber Council (ECC), Serene-Risc, and other criminal justice organizations, has made him a sought after expert to provide leadership, advice, and consultation to private individuals, corporations, government agencies, and police organizations.